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Meetings Minute

This section describes a summarized record of information, decisions, and actions made during the develop meetings.

Module 1


  • Created a WhatsApp group to establish communication within the team;
  • Conducted team introductions and shared knowledge among team members;
  • Formulated a plan to complete the required FIAP classes before initiating project development;
  • Established a Kanban board to effectively track project progress;
  • Unanimously agreed to conduct the entire project in English (en-US).


  • Organized a group session to watch YouTube live sessions by Professor Nélio Alves (DevSuperior) to acquire additional knowledge and insights.


  • Developed a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) based on Professor Nélio Alves’ project;
  • Deployed the application on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using EC2 for compute resources and RDS for the database.


  • Successfully completed all available classes on the FIAP ON platform;
  • Decided to schedule team meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 PM for enhanced flexibility;
  • Deployed the application on the Railway platform to validate its functionality using two containers.


  • Utilized the Live Share extension in Visual Studio Code for collaborative group programming on the application.


  • Resolved bugs and implemented additional validations for the User API;
  • Eliminated stack trace information from error responses (500);
  • Created recursive user relationship;
  • Developed a spreadsheet to simulate data modeling and facilitate the creation of SQL scripts for the Microsoft SQL Server database to validate the solution;
  • Increased the number of records in the database seeding file for the “users” and “user_relations” tables.


  • Hernandes Andrade voluntarily left the team;
  • Individual developments were analysed by the members through Code Review, using GitHub’s resources;
  • Created the Address API and expanded the database seeding file for the “addresses” and “address_relation” tables;
  • Locked the main branch to enforce code pushes through pull requests, allowing evaluation by code owners.


  • Created data records for the “appliances” and “appliance_relations” through database seeding file;
  • We decided to use the Mintlify Doc Writer plugin to generate documentation following the Javadoc pattern.


  • Several code changes were made based on the insights gained from the “Coda Comigo” lives;
  • Refactored service classes to return only the entity, leaving the ResponseEntity for the Controller;
  • Converted the ID of entities from Long to UUID, along with updating all related dependencies;
  • Added the spring.web.locale property to the file to display messages exclusively in English;
  • Developed manual test cases using Postman to ensure the correct functionality of all methods;
  • Created the “pks” package to store primary keys of entities;
  • Initiated documentation by adding initial comments to classes using the Mintlify Doc Writer plugin;
  • Changed the data type of timestamps from DateTime to Instant.


  • Utilized Google Docs to document ideas and discussions;
  • Refactored the documentation generated by the Mintlify Doc Writer;
  • Introduced the platform for algorithm training and improving programming logic skills.


  • Incorporated the springdoc-openapi-ui framework to generate interactive and navigable API documentation;
  • Utilized Postman to support the development of interactive documentation.


  • Utilized the just-the-docs template to structure the wiki;
  • Created the main page of the project and provided detailed descriptions for each section;
  • Designed and incorporated a project logo on wiki pages;
  • Finalized the base structure of the wiki.


  • Added Javadocs into GitHub repository for a more comprehensive documentation;
  • Included request examples in Swagger for improving the API documentation;
  • Configured CORS settings to enable requests from Swagger UI to the API;
  • Successfully deployed the solution on Railway;
  • Defined detailed documentation for the User, Address, and Appliance entities in the wiki;
  • Updated the Swagger API to use HTTPS on request URLs;
  • Used GitHub HTML Preview to visualize the Javadoc pages;
  • Updated the file with links to Swagger API docs, project wiki, and Javadocs.


  • Described the “timeline” wiki section;
  • Create a PDF file to contains all required challenge links.

Module 2


  • We had the addition of two new members (Fernando Loi and Matheus Diefenthaeler) and the voluntary departure of member Guilherme Franco.
  • We introduced the team, analyzed LinkedIn profiles, shared experiences, and presented the project board.
  • We showcased the code developed so far and the technologies used.


  • We had a quick meeting to make adjustments to the project board and decided to reserve the month of July to focus on FIAP ON platform classes.


  • We returned to the project and refined each of the activities and their delivery dates.


  • We went over each of the project board activities.
  • We decided which relational database to use and the web request response structure.


  • We defined the priority of project tasks.
  • We initiated the GET requests for the entities.


  • We performed GET All, GET by id, and GET bound User for the User entity.
  • We began to perform GET requests for the other entities (Address, Appliance).


  • Completed GETs for all entities.
  • We decided to use Spring Data’s Pageable for filtering.
  • We started implementing Pageable in the User entity’s GET requests.


  • We finished implementing Pageable for GET requests in the User entity.
  • We applied Pageable to the other entities.
  • We decided that the user can change only what they want, without the need for all information in the JSON.
  • We began programming the PUT method for the User entity.


  • Completed the PUT method for the User entity.
  • We performed PUT for the other entities (Address, Appliance).
  • We started the DELETE operation for the User entity and defined cascading deletion of relationships.


  • Finished the DELETE method for the User entity.
  • Implemented the Delete method for the other entities following the cascade pattern.


  • We started testing each method for documentation and validation.
  • During the testing of the DELETE method for the User entity, we identified an error when trying to delete a child user due to the relationship, and we fixed it.
  • Completed testing for all methods, including error handling and successful returns.


  • We documented the codes built in phase 2 using Mintilify.
  • Updated the Swagger documentation, adding the GET, PUT, DELETE methods, and their returns.


  • Updated the project’s Wiki, including all modifications and methods implemented in this phase, with examples of requests and responses.
  • Reviewed the project as a whole before delivery.