Energy tracking easy to use
Don’t waste time and start reaping the benefits of energy usage tracking to understand, control, and save energy in your home or business.
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How it works
KIRGH Energy is a set of web APIs that help you track the energy usage from your electric appliances.
To make it real, we developed three simple APIs that are prepared to receive JSON formatted messages and generate insights about your home or company energy usage.
Name meaning
K.I.R.G.H. is an acronym to the project core creators name (Kelvin, Igor, Ronilson, Guilherme, and Hernandes), and also a mountain name in the Baluchistan Mountains in Pakistan.
Getting started
If like Linus Torvalds, you also believe that talking is cheap, click on link below to view our Swagger API docs:
About the project
KIRGH Energy is a project developed as a final stage assigment of the 1st FIAP Tech Challenge of the postgraduate course in Java Architecture and Development in a partnership with Alura.
KIRGH Energy is distributed by an MIT license.